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Study Abroad in Latvia

University of Georgia Immersion in the Russian Language, Culture, and Communities in the Baltics (IRLCCB) Program 


The University of Georgia Immersion in the Russian Language, Culture, and Communities in the Baltics (IRLCCB) Program offers an intensive study abroad experience that capitalizes on intellectually rich cultural hubs of Russian emigre residing in Riga, Latvia. The program is designed for students working towards advanced proficiency in Russian with an interest in gaining geopolitical understanding of the Russian sphere of influence in the Baltics and in growing their global and intercultural awareness competency by engaging with Russian-speaking communities in the heart of Eastern Europe.

Program Overview


IRLCCB's rigorous immersive environment includes intensive academic programming and a wide selection of planned interactions with the local Russian-speaking community. Thus, the curriculum features an average of 20 hours of formal instruction per week, with additional individualized tutoring (2 hours/week) and semi-structured social activities with conversational partners (4+ hours/week) and a Russian area studies lecture series. The program offers homestays with carefully vetted Russian-speaking families, including breakfast and dinners with host families. Students additionally enjoy weekly excursions around Riga and Latvia, as well as guided multi-day trips to Prague, the Czech Republic; Tallinn, Estonia; and Stockholm/Uppsala, Sweden, allowing for an exploration of the intertwined histories, politics, and cultures of Scandinavian and East Slavic territories. All courses are taught by experience faculty in small groups.

A mandatory pre-departure orientation is offered virtually in May, and an additional conference-style in-country, post-arrival orientation is held in the beautiful coastal town of Jurmala, Latvia prior to the start of classes. The Baltic Center for Academic and Educational Development serves as the study abroad partner. While BCAED program staff provide 24/7 emergency and logistical support, UGA’s full-time resident director oversees and coordinates all aspects of the study abroad programming and serves as the first point of contact and advisement.

The program welcomes applications from students from other institutions, with a preference to students pursuing the Russian Flagship Certification. This program is approved to receive the Russian Flagship* funding for Summer 2023 (non-UGA students must request support from their home Language Flagship Institutions).

*The Language Flagship is a national initiative to change the way Americans learn languages through a groundbreaking approach to language education for students from kindergarten through college. Learn more at

Program Dates 

6/10/2024 - 8/4/2024

Credit Hours 


Proficiency Targets

The program will offer tracks leading to Intermediate Mid, Intemediate High, and Advanced Low-Mid proficiency levels. Students take placement tests during the process of admission to the program. 

Program cost

Program fee: $5,800 (includes meals and housing with a host family) +

UGA Tuition (9 credit hours): $2,934

UGA Summer Fees: $98 

Airfare: TBD

Contact Us or Apply Now:

For any questions and inquiries about the University of Georgia Immersion in the Russian Language, Culture, and Communities in the Baltics (IRLCCB) Program or to apply, contact the program director, Dr. Victoria Hasko, at and visit the UGA Study Away Portal. All application materials for the summer 2024 program are due on Tuesday, January 10, 2024.

Our mailing address is:

315 Aderhold Hall

110 Carlton St.

Department of Language & Literacy Education

University of Georgia

Athens, GA 30602

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